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10 Reasons to Attend a Survivor Day Event

Nov 13, 2023

(Source: AFSP) International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, also known as Survivor Day, takes place each year on the Saturday before American Thanksgiving, with virtual and in-person events in communities everywhere.

Here are ten reasons to attend a Survivor Day event.
1. Because you will find connection.
“It was incredibly helpful to hear about the losses that others have experienced, and share my own. It’s not often that I am able to connect with others on that level, and it was very comforting to be in the company of those who truly understand what it means to lose someone to suicide.”
2. Because you will find a safe, supportive space.
“The Survivor Day event was the first time I have been able to let down my guard.”
3. Because you will learn that your feelings are normal.
“It gave me a chance to talk with other people that have gone through or are going through the same thing as I am. By doing so, I got to find out that the things I am thinking and feeling are actually quite normal, and that there is nothing wrong with me.”
4. Because you will find hope.
“The group sharing was beneficial and uplifting. Ultimately I left with a feeling of encouragement and hope.”
5. Because you will learn things to help you cope and heal.
“I didn’t learn just one thing to help me move forward in my grief: I found many, many things.”
6. Because you will find resources.
“I learned about programs and resources I had no idea were available.”
7. Because you will help others.
“I felt like I was able to offer some help to a recent survivor this year. This is the first time I realized I had something to give back.”
8. Because it can bring you and your family closer.
“I learned a lot about how to speak better with my children about the loss of my sister.”
9. Because our Survivor Day films tell stories that resonate and inspire.
“I felt as if I knew the people in the film. Some of the things they described about their loved ones were exactly what I had thought or felt about my daughter.”
10. Because you will find comfort.
“Everything had a wonderful, fuzzy feeling of comfort like a big, enriching hug! I enjoyed and valued every minute.”

Clay County’s local event will be Saturday, November 18, 11am to 2:30pm at Grand Avenue Community Outreach in Spencer.
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