24-HR CRISIS LINE 844-345-4569 (Clay, Osceola and Palo Alto Counties)

24-HR CRISIS LINE 855-581-8111 (Kossuth, Winnebago and Worth Counties)

Call or text 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

For Support 24/7/365 – Call or Text 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline), Call 844-345-4569 (Seasons Crisis/Talk Line)

Clay County Resource Directory

Please choose an option from the categories below or search by keyword.


    Clothing & Household

    Courts and Crime




    Financial Assistance




    Income & Employment

    Legal and Consumer

    Mental Health

    Senior or Disability

    Veteran/Military/First Responder

Help us keep our resources up-to-date. Please email additions or changes to jill.barr@spencerhospital.org.

Resource Directory Disclaimer

The Clay County Resource Directory is provided for general information. For specific advice, please contact your healthcare provider. Resource directory information is provided by the organization, agency, or service; inclusion does not imply or constitute recommendation, nor does exclusion imply disapproval. Although we make reasonable efforts to compile accurate information in the resource directory, we cannot guarantee that the content is complete and up to date. Help us keep our resources up-to-date. Please email additions or changes to jill.barr@spencerhospital.org.


Do you have educational content on a resource available in Clay County or an event you’d like to share? Please send to jill.barr@spencerhospital.org.
Clay County Behavioral Health LINC (Local Initiative for Networking and Collaboration) is dedicated to connecting providers and organizations through partnership and education to help improve access and effectiveness of behavioral health and addiction recovery services in Clay County, Iowa. Our mission is nurturing hope, health, and wellness through community collaboration.